Misson completed!

Nothing much yesterday. But it was a tiring day.

A sharing session with a master teacher early in the morning.
Workshops, sharing sessions and more programmes in term 2 and future. Some interesting involvements that I might do the coming term ahead especially the one in June. Only if I am selected, I hope. Because that might be a good platform for me.

So...some dates are booked. In fact, booked from April till September. Yes, the September hols included! Yesterday was also the Semis for some of my IT kids. It was a 3D game competition by LTA opened to the schools in Singapore. Wonder whether they managed to go to the finals? Actually, I was supposed to go to Funan with them if not for the programs held yesterday. But for me, even if they are just in the Semis, I'm proud of them.

And the bloggin' workshop went well alhamdulillah. It was the first experience as a trainer in the profession so far. Most importantly, the objectives were achieved and continued, hopefully on a long-term basis. What more can I offer but not for the talents bestowed upon me as a servant of Allah? Except for those who prefer to keep the knowledge to themselves. Be stingy. I believe in sharing the knowledge I've gained to the best of my ability. And it is better to share something which you know rather than something you do not - main asal boleh.

To end, my latest poem penned at bustan puitika...