End of de term

It's the end of term 1. Most of us were quite hysterical at the end of the day. Letting their hair loose! I wish I could join them for the night, but BOSS comes first. Most of the cars were like tins of sardines on my way back walking. The past term with new changes really challenged our capabilities and flexibility. Like the rushing hour, the loosing of energy will always be felt only at the end of the day. For most of us, although holidays have started, it is not a time to relax. Listed down my things to do and I have 10 tasks in hand alone for work. But it is better to have work rather than not having work at all.

I am still piled with assignments and a presentation which requires research and organisation again. What more, our first open book exam is exactly a week from now. I wonder what is expected of the paper and what surprise the lecturer has for us. The topic he gave sounded cheem and I am thinking how to initiate the first paragraph. But Alhamdulillah, the hols is a consolation to do some reading up. Yesterday, we received our first Fiqh Sirah quiz done few weeks ago. We had two quizzes yesterday and today on Prophet Muhammad. It's part of the system that for every Fiqh Sirah lesson, there will be an individual quiz in a form of essay to be done. Alhamdulillah, for the first quiz, widz and humaira managed to get an A-.

I missed the silat event yesterday. Nevermind, whichever is aula. But I managed to catch a glimpse of the news in Suria just now. Reminded me of the dvd I watched for the BOSS meet pertaining the trainings. Although not as tough as the Titans' routine, it reminded me how endurance, perseverance, patience and teamwork were very much needed back then. Flashbacks of waking up after Subuh and train straight after that. To train again after 'Isyak till late night. Circuit trainings, getting scolded, injuries, challenges, discipline and much more. I miss those but some things just have to be put on hold for a while. And I know, that I won't be doing this forever. Sooner or later, things have to change. And the only thing that is constant is change.

One good take away for today's lecture from Dr. was:
" The best person is one who calls people to Allah...
But Allah hates those who doesn't practise what he preaches... "

A thought provoking statement for us as da'ies...

x x x

Thanks for de good time shared. Feel empowered.
Hope this empowerment stays for long to help me go through the toughest challenge right now.