12 Rabi'ul Awal - Musim Bunga Yang Pertama *_*

12 Rabi'ul Awal...
Hari ini datang lagi
Menggamit sejuta impi
Bermula satu revolusi

Sebagai insan inspirasi
Menjadi tamsil kendiri
Ummah mencari identiti

Jalankan perintah tanpa henti
Walau perit tetap mendaki
Junjung tinggi ilmu pekerti

Panjimu ke arah kebenaran
Kisahmu sebagai tauladan
Ikutan sepanjang zaman
Peribadimu tiada bandingan

widz : 8.45am : 12 Rabi'ul Awal

انما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق
"Sesungguhnya Aku telah diutuskan semata-mata untuk menyempurnakan kemuliaan akhlak.”
They say, we should remember and cherish those we love.
Every moment.
Our family, our friends.
We should love Rasulullah more,
with so much hanaan.
Are we doing so?

Hence my next question:
Are we really emulating his attributes?
Or our actions are merely,
attributing to plain desire

Thus, yesterday, a thought provoking question,
by my witty pupil:

"Cikgu, kenapa orang tua aje yang boleh marah orang muda?
Kenapa orang muda tak boleh marah orang tua?"

Inqusitiveness occured from a lesson of antonyms - Hormat x Biadap

As they regard a teacher-must-know-everything,
I answered.

What would you answer?

It's all a matter of akhlak, baby.
Let us keep reflecting and renew our relationship
with The Best Personality Man, Rasulullah.
With Iman, Islam, and 'Ilm.

detik masa

Bila sesuatu menghantui diri kita, hati rasa kurang tenteram. Degupan jantung lebih cepat dari biasa. Selepas itu kita cuba renungkan semula. Adakah ini yang sepatutnya aku rasa? Adakah betul perbuatanku? Kemudian, kita jejak semula niat kita yang asal. Adakah di landasan yang benar atau kurang sesuai?

Kali ini, aku akan cuba lepaskan. Lepaskannya supaya aku belajar lebih kesabaran dan mungkin kepada lebih ketaqwaan. Apapun hikmahnya, mungkin itu yang terbaik buatku. Tiba-tiba malam ini aku terasa amat hiba. Mula-mula, bila terpandang ayat dari msn rakanku tadi, aku mengerti tanpa berasa. Kini, detik ini jua ,aku memandangnya kali kedua...

"Sadness isn't painful, it's trying not to feel sad that hurts..."

Mungkin kerana...
Ah, aku harus terima.

A long semester ahead

At last, the schedule's out.

I can't wait for Islam & Psychology module.
I recalled attending a workshop on Counselling & Islam @ CIMS last 2 years.
The handouts are somewhere in the house, huhuh.

The only grinch is the double papers to sit for a day.
With effect from the decreasing no. of days, I shall grit my teeth.
A paper a day is already hard to bear.
4 papers in 2 days?
Calling for organiser of my life!

Sem 2's module:

+ Intro to Fiqh
+ Intro to Usul Fiqh
+ Islam & Psychology
+ Intro to Sociology

Yeah, Dr Osmani is here again! *Hoorah*

x x x

Thx to my newest device to ease my work.
Another retail dilemma though.
Must go Sim Lim!

Another prayer which I hope will be answered.
For the love of them.

March news

I can blog with ease due to the following factors:

+ Exams over. Resuming lectures in a few weeks.

+ Holidays! Engaged in fruitful activities, being work or leisure, the outdoorish way!

Most importantly, the 3 important dates in my diary...

* * *

4zerozero bux to spend. On? Any ideas?
I'd prefer electronic/IT stuffs though.
Either hardware or software ;)

Defining success

The path of success comes in many ways. Traditional for most I would say. What defines success? Is it the paper you receive albeit deficient in practical? Perhaps the level of satisfaction one gains? Or striving and attaining the best in a cohort of average peers? Getting into the field you had to, not that you want to? Or passion over peer pressure?
Through observation, regretting one's initial choice would result in withdrawal. While others, rejection causes the urge to appeal, thus excelling in a particular course of study.
Wouldn't say mine was traditional. A slower pace than my peers. Choice was not the only reason. But situation made me decide. Reflecting back, I would realise how silly I was. I could have chosen things I had passion for. Initially I felt a sense of remorse. I could have completed earlier.
Thinking ahead now. It was a choice. Although it might have been better. And the choice in a way or another contributed to my current phase in life. It wasn't due to a factor, but other existing reasons I firmly believe, and happy with. Indeed, a path towards discovery.
And I thank Allah for the special things that sparkle my life. Without Him guiding us through, we surely wouldn't make it, lah!
So, I feel much better after expressing my thoughts. Counting down...
+ 2 more days to exams. (mine, not the pupils)
+ only 2 days possible to start revising starting tonight
+ tonight for completing the uncompleted assignment
+ tonight to assess the unmarked diagnostic exercises
+ tonight to evaluate pupils' achievement rubrics to parents to be given tomorrow
May Allah enlighten and ease these responsibilities...