Feel challenged

Baru selesai melipat sejadahku. Bertafakkur sejenak memikirkan kehidupan seharian…

This week has been the most hectic in term 3. Where all activities either clash and participating them at the same time. Most of the time I had to reach work as early as 715am and log out by 7pm the latest as the lights and aircon would dim signalling your supposed departure back home. The rest I could only get without even touching a book to mark would be around 30mins the most. That also, to take time for personal touch with the Almighty. Well basically this happened since it is our MT week in lieu of the B.u.l.a.n. B.a.h.a.s.a. With Friday ending, it marks the end of the MT week. The reason of this rushing hour is because of the task me and my colleague were given as organisers of an activity for the higher primary. We called it ‘Kembara Minda’, a similar A.m.a.z.i.n.g Race game; at the vacinity of our school. Alhamdulillaah it was a success. Since this batch is the first trial, I hope my colleagues will be able to give constructive feedbacks (which I hope will be a good one) to further improve the game.

Well, during the initial stage, my h.e.a.d wanted us to do that by utilising the PDA, like the one in S.u.r.i.a ( Z.o.o.m Thailand). However, they said that it’s not feasible. Well… belum cuba belum tahu kan? However, not a sound reason to me. I’d like to check the functions of the tool one day if I’m given a chance. Perhaps, I could do something about it to fuse with my ML lessons.

I am unsure whether I’m in an alarming state. With the rat-race working environment, I barely touch my books. What worries me, the books kept piling. I even had to put aside the thought of cleaning my table until I manage to clear off the piles. At home, I have to prepare the activity for the next day. I confess that some exciting things I’ve planned for my pupils have not been done and had to postpone because of the level of priorities I had to do first.

Much worse, I have not been able to set aside time to do on IIUM’s research project. Proposal to be presented tomorrow and I have not even started reading my literature on the topic. And Sunday, I heard there’s a test. Starting to feel the pinch! Ouch!!!

There are just a lot of things going through my mind this particular week. My experienced colleagues agreed that this year, especially this term is the worse they ever had in the workplace. Next week is submission on the final year paper for vetting. I am starting to like my work. But what’s liking without challenges? The challenge has already been felt.

Tomorrow's a next challenge too. Out of home straight after Subuh and back home after Isya'. Oh do I need a break...

x x x

The strings of faith is trying to pull me down
I could feel the force of strings to make me lie low
I seek your help my Dear Creator
Not suppose to feel such way
Show me the light
Wisdom not to go astray