Art Attack

Cover art is the illustration or photograph on the outside of a published product such as a book, magazine, video, audio album or brochure.
Where did the passion go?
Still within me with the blood it flows
Only known to the one who appreciates
The beauty which lies beneath ones who believe
There are many forms of art. It's the choice of the lover of art to express himself through the medium he/she likes. Cover art is one of the ways to indulge your creative ideas you have. Well, some might say that it is more to design. Although design and art are two different entities, there is a link between them, I believe. Yours truly is very proud and happy for the artistic values that run in the family albeit herself not being able to pursue a major in that field. Let that be a place for her cousin to squeeze all the benefits he gets from his course. It's a healthy jealousy. The consolation she gets currently is the slot she gets to teach art&craft with a superduper challenging youngsters.
Cover art used to be yours truly's favourite past time. More towards CD covers. How she wished a proposal be made to her, at least once in a lifetime. Saddened by the fact of the lost covers while rebooting her old pc, her current love is comics. Why the mention of this when she found a new love? Cousin got a proposal for a book cover from a known writer who's also a ML teacher... *pulls hair* If you get that as a free goodie, my dear cousin, shall I be the first to read it? Please, please???
Maybe yours truly should start producing quality literary works. Then design her own cover and keep it for her own collection. Who wants to sponsor an underdog, hmm? So, let the saga begin... if it's for real..
For the love of art she still feels...
x x x
Never liked green tea
But this green tea from lipton tastes good!
Maybe cos parents got it for free?
F.O.C stuffs always taste that good, I'm liking it!