
Iqra'. Bi ismi rabbikal ladzi khalaq. Khalaqal Insaana Min 'Alaq.
Iqra'. Warabbukal Akram. Al ladzi 'Allama Bil Qalam. Allamal Insaana. Maa Lam Ya'lam.

It's the challenge of the new term when you were given the trust to conduct the reading programme for the non-readers or slower ones. Oooh, entirely testing your patience as it touches very very basic readings. It means penetrating the little brains with very very basic reading methods. Alphabets, phonetics, and other oohh la las. I really sympathise with them. And I am willing to teach those who will strive hard to focus in the lesson rather than those who preferred to leave their antennas elsewhere. Given only 5 weeks to let them master the art of reading in this programme, I really pray to make a difference by then since I am taking the angels from other cekgoo's classes too. The only thing I hope is the stakeholders to be the supporting factors for our children to succeed. It doesn't take a hand, only a hand to groom a holistic child. As the word holistic itself represents various dimensions of knowledge, so does the process needed towards the goal.

As much as this process includes their involvement in the field of education, I myself am undergoing my own expanding of experiential learning next week. Oh, blurgh. Will I able to sleep the night before thinking of my intrapersonal skills and the application of interpersonal skills to the whole assembly in the hall. Shall I faint, puhlease? Mode of communication: English. Well, it's not that I am unable to speak well. It'll be better if it's in Malay with all the Malay students isn't it? I am getting the goosebumps and I doubt my capabilities next week; fumble through a speech, and that's it! Good luck students, you might be hearing a teacher talking Greek.

But it's the holiday moment now. Salam 'Eidil Adha to all Muslims around the world!
Make sure you sacrifice well this year!