Malam Sejuta Rasa


After 9 years of intake, that night marked the end of the nostalgic place where friendships were forged or severed. Mine was the 5th intake. The place where I learned the meaning of commitment - in studies, activities and lots more. The years where great rapport with lecturers were made. Years where I didn't know the meaning of tired. The exposure was all worthwhile. A place where I know more about the meaning of life. Some of which made me realise certain things which should or shouldn't be done. Whatever things that have happened, it somehow moulded me to what I am today.

That night was just a simple one, nothing extravagant. The only significance was the reunion of all the 9 intakes from 1997 and speeches by representatives from each intake. As usual, the gerek senior who'd burst us to laughter, Djohan. Although not all of my intake were there, I am just glad seeing their faces again, which reminds me of how enjoyable school was especially during my first 2 years as a 'Townsvillain'.

Before this entry ends, a poem dedicated to all of us by Naquib (01/02)

malam ini
pabila bersatu bintang-bintang di cakerawala
begitu jua kita yang bersatu akar, yang bersatu hala

malam ini
bak satu temasya wau
pelbagai bentuk, warna, citra singgah melewati
segenap rintangan yang mungkin didekati,
pantas deras lekas tangkas
membelah ruang penaka pisau belati
berdengung dengan segala nyanyian hati
antara mereka, terpantul hasrat sejati:
budaya, bangsa ini belum mahu akan mati

malam ini
bagai satu perhimpunan anak-anak penyu
kembali pulang ke bibir pantai
tempat mereka bermula perjalanan
untuk menyusun kembali bebiji mutiara memori
berselerakan bertaburan di atas lantai
berpasir untuk dijadikan seutas rantai
sebagai bekalan di esok hari

malam ini
sembilan tahun telah pun pergi
seperti sembilan bulan di kandungan
atau sembilan perhentian
dari Queenstown ke Boon Lay

malam ini
kita bertemu di sini lagi
berkongsi rindu dan senyuman kasih
harap ia berpanjangan masih
apabila bangun di esok pagi

And before putting a full stop to this, a nostalgic picture of my class as first year students back in 2001...

Kami, Mestika 105 (M105)

--> Nota Kaki:

Mestika (dalam konteks kelas M105)
1. permata yg bernilai (intan dll); 2. yg termolek, yg tercantik; 3. kiasan bagi sesuatu yg disayangi (dikasihi);