Sisterhood Affair

Here are the updates I informed earlier...

I had one of my best weekends this year...
Having 3 reunions after a long time is such a blessing, Alhamdulillaah.
Basically, 3 reunions from 3 different groups of people. All for sisterhood!

First, Fig & Olive

This year, we never had it complete except for one of my best buddies' wedding early January.
This time round, all of us, includes Aisha who has been studying in Aussie made it.
It was a heartfelt session for all of us, I believe.
Satu kekecohan which I think only WE are able to do among US only.
And one of us, the only married girl is here to stay, for good. Woohoo...

Shows how much we have grown. But, the kiddy traits exuding from us stick naturally, heh.
Albeit the different routes that we take, we are wise enough to respect each other's decisions in life. Changes are beginning to take place for each and everyone of us. Some minor, some major.

All the best to us. And may Allah bless us on our way to seek tranquility in our lives.

Up Next, Muslimah Night 2006

2 reunions in one night.

The NTUMS sisters were the VnC (Video and Camera Crew) for the night! It was great to meet up with Su, Far and Maz while busily snapping and capturing the hype of the event that particular night.

Since work has been getting its toll on me, I have not been able to see them, my usrah sisters. My heart jumped with joy when I saw Aisha and Nurul the moment I reached Taman Warisan for the eventful night. What more when I met Huda and Madame...

Terubat rindu di hati setelah sekian lama tidak bertemu...

One thing for sure, I am looking forward for our next usrah session. I miss you all very much!

So that was my weekend. Pretty well spent!

x x x

Thank you Allah. The worries are decreasing.
I hope the solutions will be done ASAP without any hassle.

With great powers?

My day started pretty bad.

Why is it that you were given a noble path in life, yet despite the rocks that you've kicked or hit, you became fragile? Why is it that you were given a responsibility, you were left in the dark or perhaps, you falter along the way? It is really hard right now. One concerns a temporary responsibility and trust given but actually putting thyself in a short notice turned me panicky. Yes, my blood pressure almost dropped again. Lucky me, I managed to control it.

Errors, errors. That is a second matter. I really have no idea how this problem will be resolved. Am I to blame myself? Or was it a collective error? I actually worry on it because this may cause a huge effect to the rest. I don't mind if it's a mistake brought upon myself and concerns me alone. However, if it means affecting the rest of the community I am really really at my wit's end on this matter. One reason is that, I have never actually make any destructive errors that might cause the rest of the people. I am afraid, this might be one.

So great powers, great responsibilities, huh? I don't even have any great powers to begin with.
I really pray to Allah that tomorrow when the problem is being told, the person will be in a good mood and help us in rectifying the matter. If it means me to be pin-pointed, well, I have to accept that I am in the real world now. I am not in the da'wah environment nor am I in other Islamic environment where the adabs are observed. For once I'd say now, it is a tough career path. Always smiling they commented but only Allah knows.

Gladly, I'm in the midst of my last school week. Although I have to attend work on various days during the first holiday week, I hope it gives me the time for my character building and other goals I have failed along the way, insyaAllah.

To lighten it up,
my weekend was well spent with the group of my beloved sisters:
1. Fig & Olive Reunion Affair (With my Pre-u2000 Clan)
2. Muslimah Night 2006 (Part of the Video & Camera Crew and met with my Usrah sisters)

However, updates on the events above will be posted another time.


That fact is still hard to swallow.
I just wish that things are much easier.
But it's not easy at all.
I still feel this heavy lump in my heart.
And I just couldn't cast it away.
I feel it everytime when time fills me alone.

Perhaps it's the best for me at this moment.
Maybe He wants me to be more prepared.
Hopefully this makes me much better.
And gain more confidence and peace.
Whether I can gain that, only He knows.
Such a faint heart.
Dissapointed with thyself.

So many targets and goals.
That we reach some.
Or we falter.

I have to appreciate those I've gained
And strive harder for the ones I've lost...

The Past Event...

@ Masjid An-Nahdhah
When 4 childhood-musically-artistic-inclined friends reunited...
Yes, our paths crossed again...
Me and Su came as facis, albeit my presence only for awhile...

The blinded-human train.
Beware of balloon bombs coming your way~

This is what we call the Entangled-Non-Jutsu!
Note: A jutsu specially made for Nas and Uan.
When some goals are nearly there
And when some stumble along the way
I have to keep on and pray
Does failure breeds success?

Malam Sejuta Rasa


After 9 years of intake, that night marked the end of the nostalgic place where friendships were forged or severed. Mine was the 5th intake. The place where I learned the meaning of commitment - in studies, activities and lots more. The years where great rapport with lecturers were made. Years where I didn't know the meaning of tired. The exposure was all worthwhile. A place where I know more about the meaning of life. Some of which made me realise certain things which should or shouldn't be done. Whatever things that have happened, it somehow moulded me to what I am today.

That night was just a simple one, nothing extravagant. The only significance was the reunion of all the 9 intakes from 1997 and speeches by representatives from each intake. As usual, the gerek senior who'd burst us to laughter, Djohan. Although not all of my intake were there, I am just glad seeing their faces again, which reminds me of how enjoyable school was especially during my first 2 years as a 'Townsvillain'.

Before this entry ends, a poem dedicated to all of us by Naquib (01/02)

malam ini
pabila bersatu bintang-bintang di cakerawala
begitu jua kita yang bersatu akar, yang bersatu hala

malam ini
bak satu temasya wau
pelbagai bentuk, warna, citra singgah melewati
segenap rintangan yang mungkin didekati,
pantas deras lekas tangkas
membelah ruang penaka pisau belati
berdengung dengan segala nyanyian hati
antara mereka, terpantul hasrat sejati:
budaya, bangsa ini belum mahu akan mati

malam ini
bagai satu perhimpunan anak-anak penyu
kembali pulang ke bibir pantai
tempat mereka bermula perjalanan
untuk menyusun kembali bebiji mutiara memori
berselerakan bertaburan di atas lantai
berpasir untuk dijadikan seutas rantai
sebagai bekalan di esok hari

malam ini
sembilan tahun telah pun pergi
seperti sembilan bulan di kandungan
atau sembilan perhentian
dari Queenstown ke Boon Lay

malam ini
kita bertemu di sini lagi
berkongsi rindu dan senyuman kasih
harap ia berpanjangan masih
apabila bangun di esok pagi

And before putting a full stop to this, a nostalgic picture of my class as first year students back in 2001...

Kami, Mestika 105 (M105)

--> Nota Kaki:

Mestika (dalam konteks kelas M105)
1. permata yg bernilai (intan dll); 2. yg termolek, yg tercantik; 3. kiasan bagi sesuatu yg disayangi (dikasihi);

Last Sunday's Affair

Almost a week have passsed.
A time to heal the brain cells.

Click to enlarge pic *

We drooled along City Link.
Designer Shops caught our eyes.
Lots of ideas poured in.
Whether it'd be reality, or a dream come true.

I just LOVE Designer Shops.

Now, I just NEED a Designer-like workstation at my staff room that portrays my personality, my style.
And I need to keep it neat and clean, EVEN when the pile comes in.
That's a challenge.

So, this calls for an overhaul:

1. Spring cleaning
2. Dusts
3. Achoos, Achoos, and MORE Achoos!!!

The night before the last paper


Troubled mind. Stressfulness. Uncertainty.
Trouble free. Stress Reliever. Moments of happiness and joy.
Thank you for your presence.
You stole my heart away...
I just love my cousins...!!!

Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah

Kertas Sabtu : Revelation as a source of knowledge
Kertas Ahad : Islamic Worldview
Xtras: Kertas periksa budak-budak.

"Ape macam ni?"

'Ilmu sepanjang hayat


Esok tak sampai setengah hari
Jam 10 hingga 12.15 tengah hari
Sibuk bersiap untuk hari undi
Budak-budak pun apa lagi
Tepuk tangan suka hati

Bila tugas semakin meninggi
Nak belajar pun fikir dua kali
Dah berapa hari tidur mati
Penatnya alahai Allah saje yang ketahui

Hanya tinggal dua hari
Minggu ni sibuk semak sana semak sini
Budak periksa minggu ni dan minggu nanti
Aku yang periksa terkapai cari masa yang pasti

Kelam kabut macam nak mati
Mana ruang untuk ku studi
Besok pulang ku cuba ulangkaji
Ku pohon ya Allah, dilapangkan hati
Dapatlah seandainya ku ingat segala informasi

x x x
Ya Allah, berikanlah daku kelapangan dada
Agar ku tenang dan mudah memahami segala
Kerana tugas dan cabaran semasa
Meraungku mencari masa sebagai tholibah di bidang 'ilmiah...

Gone with the wind... *yawns*


First test with my Wacom's tablet pen, after buying it early this year, as well as Corel.

Melukis dalam keadaan ngantuk...

Melayan blues...

Risks, Decisions, Prayers

In life, there will always be instances where we need to take risks and be forthcoming in the things that we do. Fear of criticisms or failure might cause us to fail in knowing the outcomes that might actually work for us. However, people hesitate because they are afraid that things might not turn out well for them. Others have doubts because they wanted things to be smooth sailing for them as they thought that it would bring forth perfect ending?

But life as it is is a platform for humans to err. Albeit the errors, one must not forget that there is a divine power that is All-Knowing. Attaining perfection is something that none of us are able to achieve. It is not a trait that we can possess. It’s an irony is it when you want perfection and be called a perfectionist? That’s just a term to me. I can’t deny that I am a perfectionist at times; which means the taste of high standards. But being that is just a benchmark for me to achieve higher for self upgrading. Ultimately, I can only achieve a second streak before perfection. We plan and He decides. That is an important statement to bear in mind.

As Muslims, when we have uncertainties, we seek Him for guidance. I can’t restrain myself from experiencing hesitation as well. I face fears, I face difficulties, and I face hardships. Signs from Him come in many ways. To me, it is the tranquility of the heart before choosing a decision after seeking du’a that motivates me to go on although the signs might still be vague. Life has to go on. Decisions have to be made despite how indecisive you are. And taking risks means strong guts and strong faith in Him.

On the other hand, some people might ask. Why do you choose to fill your weekends when you might be able to spend more time for leisure? I can choose to be at home and have more leisure during the weekends. Instead, I am taking the risk of spending my weekends to a worthy cause although I might have to sacrifice bringing work at home too during the weekends. Kerja 24/7 pe, kan?

Although different people undergo various hardships, it’s their sacrifices that impelled me to do better. Just imagine, an age of 40 or above, married with kids, weekends with family; all these to balance with the pursuit of knowledge. I hope that they will be able to apply all the ‘ilmu gained, if not in an organisation, their own outreach to family members. It is such a waste if we only succeed in producing intellects only useful in the brain, but a failure of practice. Like an Arab quote which I have been using and always loved to use,

العلم بلا عمل كالشجر بلا ثمر
Knowledge without ‘amal is like a tree without fruits

Studying and working at the same time is something which I never dreamt to go through. In fact I still wonder. When I had all the time to focus on studies, I may have taken certain things for granted and did not achieve that well in it when I have all the time. Now with the kind of profession that demands a lot from its people and an educational experience only gained during the only time I could have chosen to rest, I didn’t. I am risking taking 2 big things in life. And I learn to study better and be more disciplined. I wonder how is this possible? But do you know? I realise that it’s not a waste at all. It uplifts the spiritual bond doing something in His cause. One thing for sure, I love Fiqh Sirah. Why? In secondary, I always forget the facts of Islamic History. For the first time now, I felt my head refreshed again and I really feel the sacrifice and efforts that have been done by Rasulullah and his companions, and I could just feel my love for Rasulullah increasing. I hope to emulate more of him and the Sahabahs to my practical life.

So who said that there is any individual that surpasses the historicity of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?

That, was one of my exam questions yesterday…
As for other exam questions, I will discuss them after the end of my exams the end of this week.

Do make du’a for me my friends.