To save de world?

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Fighting Wasp
Your Superpower is Cybernetics
Your Weakness is Balloons
Your Weapon is Your Water Blowgun
Your Mode of Transportation is Bullet Train

Fighting wasp: Oh yes, I need to avoid the killer biters and suckers, no? Currently experiencing reddiness of the skin (sob sob).

Cybernetics: Eh, sounds cool eh. Can I change it to Cyberwidz, puhlease? hehee...

Balloons: But I love poking balloons you see... so, it can't be...

Water Blowgun: Err, did that in Sarawak with pellets, not water... So how does this look like then? Blowpipe with water as weapons? Hmmm...

Bullet train: I'm just a typical MRT passenger.

* * *

To my pre-u2000 clan, esp. Ainul, do not forget to upload the pics okay awak.
Thanks for visiting my humble abode dearies...