Kalimah antara aku dan Kau
Bisikan isi hati dalam perjalanan
Memandang dalam lubuk hati
Mengisi kekosongan sepi
Tiada mahu kufur ni'matmu
Benar di hadapan mataku
Kerana dimensi ku dahaga
Yang tiada duga kerana du'a
Pabila maqbul kalimah itu
Hanya mampu ku ucap
Walau sebentar, amat bermakna
Sukar, masih sukar...
Sabar, terus bersabar...
Apapun jua, sujudku tadi keranaMu
Kerana detik itu...
Terima kasih Ya Allah...
" Keberkatan Allah ini tidak dapat hendak kita gambarkan sebab hati yang akan terasa ketenangan itu. Kesannya bukan seminggu dua tetapi sampai ke hari tua.
Biarlah bersusah-susah sedikit asalkan syariat Allah dapat kita jaga dengan baik. "
Weekend Sleepover
The late night scary-became-comical vcd...
Our trademark: The cramp lift shot =)
Just endless...
Thanks, Hotel Rendezvous.
Heartfelt, dearest buddies.
* * *
On a deeper note,
- Lappy crashed, thus the lost of precious files.
- Trip to KK cancelled, Ophir as well. Maybe, those were signs I guess.
Holidays coming! Wee~
*Extracted shots courtesy of 'Ainul's
Empunya diri
Sedangkan empunya diri tidak tahu mana titik akhirnya impian. Mengapa mereka yang lain sibuk dengan empunya diri? Hujung pangkalnya tidak pernah jelas, sibuk dengan sangkaan dan pernyataan mereka sendiri. Jika memang benar cahaya itu jelas di mata, pasti ku mohon du'a mereka.
Akarnya, aku tiada pasti. Mengapa mereka cuba memastikan diri ini? Sedangkan soalan itu ditujukan tepat padaku. Jujur bicara pun jadi alasan aku dusta? Diri hanya mampu berdo'a. Bukan diri tidak ingin impian itu tercapai. Namun demikian, biarlah masa yang menentukan. Jika tiada mengerti dan tidak pernah mengetahui, usah meneka membabi buta. Biarlah kebenaran datang dengan sendirinya. Diri tidak perlu berbicara panjang.
Biar ketenangan ini hanya pada mereka yang memahami diri. Sekalung kasih kepada mereka yang setia dan memahami. Ku panjatkan syukur kepada Illahi kerana diri masih mampu bersabar setiap kali dirundung jalan berliku.
Kepada yang memahami kata-kataku, du'a dari taulan dan teman ku harapkan.
Mungkin juga, tiada yang memahami bait-bait kataku ini kecuali Illahi... Aaameen...
On another note, I really hope one of my darlings come to class tmr.
I really hope I can solve this particular problem. The problem with kids' crisis.
Indeed, quite melancholic seh today...
Do you listen?
I wonder, out of 100%, how much do we listen? Say, while communicating, do we dominate the conversation or allow space for other people to contribute their few cents worth?
Not only at home, communication plays a part in every facet of our lives. It plays an important role in people-oriented jobs. Thus, when communication is involved, the etiquettes of conversing are vital in ensuring the equilibrium of both parties.
However, the art of listening is in the brink of extinction. Misunderstandings occur because sometimes, you snap out of an explanation and remain at loggerheads. None of you wants to give in. You refuse to listen.
When someone listens, we let this creative foundation inside us to bloom and expand. Why? Someone is willing to lend a listening ear. This motivates the speaker to cast up new thoughts and receive positive responses from the listener.
Listening increases our level of patience. There may be times when we disagree with our friends or family members. Mastering the art of listening would allow us not to press against them. Once upon a time ago, someone portrayed the importance of listening to me, thus increasing the level of patience. Since then, it’s a beautiful feeling.
Branda Ueland, a prolific author and columnist once quoted…
We should all know this: that listening, not talking,
is the gifted and great role, and the imaginative role.
And the true listener is much more beloved, magnetic
than the talker, and he is more effective and learns more
and does more good
Aligning with the Quran...
The believers' true patience, however, is very different from mere endurance. They are aware that Allah creates whatever happens to them for a reason, and that therefore it contains some hidden benefit. Knowing that Allah has determined the best possible destiny for them, they meet everything with pleasure and an open heart.
Allah tells the faithful to adopt this attitude in the following verse:
"Those who are steadfast and put their trust in their Lord"
(Surat al-'Ankabut, 59).
We never know that by listening, we may be able to learn or even share new things.
So, don’t just listen. Be a true listener. ^-^
Meeting deadlines
With deafening ears, with a heart that bleed, when patience was tested
These past few days...
Chasing the time, when fingers were dancing, with red ink blots, the owner would doze, can't continue no more
These past few days...
When all ages irritate you, when the phase of the term is rushing mad hour, when the space you call home becomes your workplace
The irony, the irony of it all...
*At this point, I wouldn't want to increase new zits, help!*
It's everywhere, to my left, right, above and below.
Even in the car. Even in the room. Everywhere.
Games? Chat? Shop?
The least ways to ease the self and relax.
So you're talking about a weekend break? 'Where got? Use your blain...' Ala PCK.
I've been coming I tell ya. Thus, enduring, phew.
But there's always a limit to one's health.
Meeting here meeting there meeting everywhere
Complain here complain there complain everywhere
Up Down Left Right
Maybe people would ask...
Any committee board?
Any management board?
So, which?
Whiteboard, everyday =P
The loyal one...
me, painting reality...
Quality Time
The delaying time for arrival at the airport allowed me to let my kitchen smoke specially for 'em. Infact, back home, the mini affair expanded when the extended family members came to try the dish. Luckily I got thumbs up, phew.