What's up ?


It has been almost 2 months... with all the hoo-haas of childrearing. I've learnt quite a number of things - from advices of others to the books I read...

+ Stocking up milk has so far been endless. I'm just worried that once I resume work, the stock I kept might not be enough. I have to start finding a way to pump at least once at work according to my timetable.

+ The BF book that Yati lent to me was very useful. I thought of buying one for myself.

+ Am still finding the most comfortable method to BF Iman while shopping. I have experienced using the sling or nothing. So far it has been successful but I wasn't that comfortable due to some personal reasons. But I'm not giving up. Just have to keep on practising.

+ Iman had his nails cut! Despite having short nails, he still wear mittens due to the mild red lines he made without it.

+ As of today, the reno work is a week and 1 day. Both me and hubby are still scouting for the necessary things for our house.


butterflyrubrics said...

wah, an update!

alhamdulillah, glad you find the book useful. pasal bf-ing while shopping tu (or anything else that requires you to stand for that matter), i'm also not very comfy, macam kesian budak tu, so unless really in a rush its usually easy enough to find a place to sit and feed :)actually it depends on what you wear also. i can never feed in public without a sling though.. feel very insecure lah :)

widzgeek said...

Yaa.. i also kesian, kalau i lepaskan my fingers nanti dia hilang latch. I agree with you that finding a seat is much easier usually when I need a break in between.