The finishing touches...

I have confirmed the date of my leave. Doc said that i need not take any leave a few days before. I'm fine with it cos I didn't want to waste any leave. Moreover, before my actual day are the weekends. So I have a week more to handover stuffs to my relief provided that she'll able to come next week plus other admin stuffs to settle with the pupils as well. ON the hindsight, I was suppose to conduct the workshop yesterday. At the very last minute, they changed it to staff meeting instead of department, so again, I had to postpone the workshop. This is what they say, we plan but God decides. So, next week is the last chance for me to share something because this initiative involves few levels. I can't rely totally on the others because they have their own tasks. Next week, I hope, I hope...

On the contrary, I received the new stroller last Monday from my cousin! So kind of her to present me with the gift which me and hubb had chosen. Thank you K Erlis! Mak also likes the stroller and its functions. No, it's not quinny, heh too expensive to ask them although they wanted to sponsor any brands.

Yeap, I've packed. But don't think I'll be in labour anytime next week. Huhuh. I'll just let this cute lil one hibernate in my nest for awhile.