The new member on Planet Earth

After a short weekend date with hubb, we visited a dear girlfriend, whom, after a long waited journey and anticipation, welcomed her new family member yesterday. He has beautiful long eyelashes too, and weighed 3.7kg. Engrossed in her labour story, I forgot to take a shot of the lil angel, but surely the ibu will be updating him in her entry.

To Yati, your prayers of having him in your arms by this week has been fulfilled. Syukur Alhamdulillaah. Hopefully you'll be home soon and have a speedy recovery. Have a good experience of parenting Yati n Rizal!

Kita hanya merancang, tetapi Allah menentukan... That's what I've learnt from her story...


butterflyrubrics said...

so nice to see your blog updated again! thanks for the well-wishes, and yup, we plan but He decides :) may He take care of you and little one in this last stretch. ingat Allah selalu!