Completing half of your deen

31 Oct 2008 @ 8pm

Affectionately known as Lily to us 11 sekawan, she tied her knot yesterday nite at the MPH with the man of her choice, who fought in the same battle. Knowing her since the childhood years, only got to know her better after her volunteerism in Saff, and currently an usrah sister of mine.
1 Nov 2008 @ 3pm

Liana, a sister whom I've known since her teenage years when she was still in secondary school. We met again face to face, reunited once again during one of the Saff events where she was already an activist there. It's a pleasure to know that after all these years of trials, she has found the man of her dreams, also a Saff brother..

To the both of you, marriage is a wonderful place to be if you learn to understand each other. It needs a lot of patience as you are now dealing with another person, not you alone. It may be tough during the first stage, but keep on learning about one another and appreciate the strengths both of you have as a wife and as a team player... barakallaahu 'alaikum...

"Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash. "
~ Joyce brothers.

p.s Pictures will be uploaded later.