
I asked ALLAH to spare me pain. ALLAH said "No". Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

Life is like an obstacle course. The obstacle course has stages as well depending on our level of expertise. A novice will not able to partake in an expertise level while it would be too easy for an expert to be in the novice stage. When a novice goes through a basic course, he'll meet with challenges; to climb, jump, crawl, roll or stretch. Having to succeed in that particular course will certainly make him gain rewards if it is a competition. However, what means much to that person would be the satisfactory gained after the hardwork. And after all this, he'll try to upgrade to the intermediate, advance and other more difficult stages.

Likewise, with regards to the levels of faith, we are tested to have a better place in Allah's eyes, insyaAllah. The higher level one attains, the higher tests they will be. Without challenges, we might not be able to know where we stand. Some of us fear of facing them and we prefer to stay in our own coop, our own comfort because we are not willing to be out of the hole full of thorns.

Each of us, I'm sure has goals in life. To achieve it, we draft out plans to ensure the success of our goals. However, we have to bear in mind that what we plan for, may not be smooth-sailing. When I was in my late teenage years, I tend to be so upset when things didn't go well. But experiences, mainly, will make us view the different perspectives of life, hopefully to make us better people. Also, being very sensitive wasn't a healthy trait. I've learnt few years ago by not to let trivial irritants obscure my vision and thwart my progression in life. It wasn't an easy road. But I wouldn't want to give up. How...?

I asked ALLAH to grant me patience. ALLAH said "No". Patience is a by product of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is earned.

Because there are other more important things for us in life. Or perhaps, those trivial irritants are just a test from Him to build the patience in us. Yes, patience. As a close one of mine never fail to remind me, everytime when things happen, I would imagine how Rasulullah would react to the situation. True enough, emulating the traits that he has is such a great virtue. Yes, the tests he went through were much greater than us. He was patient in dealing with all sorts of difficulties. Looking at how he solved his trials in life were thought provoking. And thinking about it may enlighten the thorns we feel, how small it may be.

I asked ALLAH to make my spirit grow. ALLAH said "No". You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

So if our spirits are low, we have to find ways to make ourselves relight again. And bear in mind that whenever we feel hurt, we have people around that love and support us. Most importantly, Allah knows the truth of what we go through in our daily lives and consistently be our guidance.

Some quotes worth sharing...

Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
-Joshua J. Marine

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict. -William Ellery Channing

It is not good for all our wishes to be filled; through sickness we recognize the value of health; through evil, the value of good; through hunger, the value of food; through exertion, the value of rest.
- Greek Proverb

xx Much better, insyaAllah. Thank you Love, the eternal Love.