Burung yang patah sayapnya

Sayap yang patah sebelah cuba untuk terus terbang. Cuma mampu untuk melihat sekawan burung yang lain terbang tinggi di awan. Seperti burung-burung helang bergantian dengan yang lain di hadapan. Maju dan terus maju.

Sedangkan burung yang patah sayapnya tiada peluang. Seolah-olah ketinggalan dalam medan perjuangan. Sedangkan perjuangan itu juga yang diimpikan bersama dengan yang lain. Apakah patah sayapnya akibat kecelakaan? Atau kerana kelemahannya sendiri? Siapa pula yang dapat membantu merawat sayapnya yang patah? Agar sembuh kembali?

Ketika melihat sekawan burung yang berterbangan tinggi, rasa pula kesunyian. Seolah terpinggir dan ketinggalan ke belakang. Adakah dilupakan? Atau mungkin kekuatannya tidak diperlukan lagi? Adakah burung-burung itu akan kembali mencari burung yang patah?

Mungkin, bila lukanya sembuh, burung itu akan kembali berjuang lagi. Sekawan burung yang saling menyokong dan mengerti. Dan bukan hanya dicari setelah tiada burung-burung kuat lain tiada di sisi. Sayap yang patah itu akan menjadi penguat untuk mencari sekawan burung lain yang berbakti di medan berlainan. Meraih semula kekuatan untuk terbang dan menikmati keindahan dunia. Dengan nafas berbeza.

x x x
Perhaps, I'd just update on Syawal celebration next post.

Light of guidance

Have you ever been lured into something very inviting in life? I think most of us in a way or another have experienced such incidents before. It may be that we are forced by the peer pressure that surrounds us daily. Plus, the seeds of nafs that is always present in each human being.

Depending on other factors too, we may either be mature or näive. Our circular of friends may also determine how we view life in different perspectives. Even if we have ever been in snafu before, the door for repentance will always be open for us who are seeking the truth.

And today again, it knocked me hard. A test of faith. A slight trip that made me reflect again about my initial intention. That moment, what came into my mind was this...

... It may be that you hate something when it is good for you and it may be that you love something when it is bad for you. God knows and you do not know. (Surat al-Baqara: 216)

I whispered to myself, how true. I dare not to step on the thorns again. Not again. Never again. No more losing in the hereafter. No more. I want to be able to go through the trials of destiny. I want to feel the eternal bliss and the sweetness of faith. To start it right and to end it right.

Behind everything that happens, I'm glad that there's still a Divine guidance accompanying.

'Eid Sa'eed!


My hope

You left me..
You left me again dearest...
Every meet, there's our part
We can't deny
The affection you made me feel

This time round
I held you closer
Much closer
With hope you'll love me more

We sail through it together
Despite the sweetness I felt
There's still a stint of salt
Of not achieving some with you

Although you're gone
I'll still work it out
And seeking still
And praying constantly

For one day that'll come
For me to be a better one
A better one in that I hope to achieve

And when you return my love
I'm already a step higher, I hope
Pls forgive my dear...
Even if I think I've failed this
I still need the support...
For me to succeed again...
One fine day...

-This is just heartbreaking...

The reveal!

After the silence, I decided to reveal the answer!

You're right, Spidey. It IS me, heh. Well, what was I doing in that fat suit (there's a pillow at the stomach area)?

It was Children's Day. I was given the trust to entertain the kids. As you all would have guessed, my tag team from the pic here is Miss Goldilocks. Oh yes, she was fortunate not to be trapped like me in the hot oven. As the only emcee in the oven suit and fasting at the same time, that was one of the memorable tests I had during the blessed month.

From early morning to around 3pm, juggling two sessions, I simply had to take off my 'head' during item intervals. Worse still, the ventilation at the backstage was terrible. With the portable mic on my head, phew. But I had helpful colleagues to cool me with the flapping fans. The perspiration was tantamount to climbing mountains! Only Allah knows how tough it was to be enduring with such condition while entertaining the audience. The morning session kids were more excited. Pity me, baby bear was 'bullied' while walking around the crowd. They pulled me like nobody's business. Luckily, goldilocks saved me from the naughty earthlings from Human World (Well, I'm from the Fairy Tale World).

So you see, it's not an easy job being a mascot. At least, now I could feel how uncomfortable it is being in a big suit. What more if you're working in theme parks like Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse...

Batal ke puasa?

A take-away from my P5 boy today...

A: Cikgu, kalau berdarah, batal tak puasa?

* Cikgu looking at the blood on his upper left forehead. And then, simply stating things that invalidate fast.

* Kid looked at cikgu with a blur face.

* Cikgu takes a deep breath. Tickled by his question, at least, he wishes to know. That's one ilmu for today, dear boy.

Take it with a smile

Those were the tests of Ramadhan for those who believe. Hopefully, the ones affected are able to persevere and accept it with open arms. I pray that Allah will ease the both of you to regain a speedy recovery. I'm glad to see that both of you are okay albeit the pain you have to bear.

To you, I hope that the results from the hospital is positive. To the other, have a well-deserved 6 months MC and physio later. Just in time to pass the car license, tsk tsk. No more vrooms pls.

Because there are just many ways Allah wants to test us...