Let's get energised!

Already the 2nd week of holidays but normally it's time for us the gahmen
serbens to either:

Choice 1: Finish any undone business with your high-ups or the school
Choice 2: OR even do some spring cleaning (throw unwanted papers, dust, insect faeces, etc)

My choice? Well, too bad. No choices at all. In fact, choice 1 is a mixture of many undone business we had to complete. Choice 2's news will be updated once the new year starts!

Oh, but we had some fun too. Sporty fun last week. A sports carnival for all gahmen serbens. To keep up with our stamina, lose some weight (perhaps?) or plainly to join fun to avoid gaining weight at home due to the super-duper-hectic weeks before. The best thing, it was held near the mosque for spiritual enlightenment before the game started. And it ended not with sweat, but simply the pouring rain and a pool of mud (unluckily, at our lane) . Woohoo...

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