Art Attack

Cover art is the illustration or photograph on the outside of a published product such as a book, magazine, video, audio album or brochure.
Where did the passion go?
Still within me with the blood it flows
Only known to the one who appreciates
The beauty which lies beneath ones who believe
There are many forms of art. It's the choice of the lover of art to express himself through the medium he/she likes. Cover art is one of the ways to indulge your creative ideas you have. Well, some might say that it is more to design. Although design and art are two different entities, there is a link between them, I believe. Yours truly is very proud and happy for the artistic values that run in the family albeit herself not being able to pursue a major in that field. Let that be a place for her cousin to squeeze all the benefits he gets from his course. It's a healthy jealousy. The consolation she gets currently is the slot she gets to teach art&craft with a superduper challenging youngsters.
Cover art used to be yours truly's favourite past time. More towards CD covers. How she wished a proposal be made to her, at least once in a lifetime. Saddened by the fact of the lost covers while rebooting her old pc, her current love is comics. Why the mention of this when she found a new love? Cousin got a proposal for a book cover from a known writer who's also a ML teacher... *pulls hair* If you get that as a free goodie, my dear cousin, shall I be the first to read it? Please, please???
Maybe yours truly should start producing quality literary works. Then design her own cover and keep it for her own collection. Who wants to sponsor an underdog, hmm? So, let the saga begin... if it's for real..
For the love of art she still feels...
x x x
Never liked green tea
But this green tea from lipton tastes good!
Maybe cos parents got it for free?
F.O.C stuffs always taste that good, I'm liking it!

Mug. mugging. mugged. [Yok bual pasar]

Masa berlalu pantas.. hmm.. rasanya baru hari tu aku memulakan Sem 2. Tuk, tuk je bulan Ogos nanti dah mula mid-year exam. Sekarang je dah nak akhir bulan Julai. Tugasan Uni aku kali ni lagi susah nampaknya...

« Kali ni Sains Hadith ngan Qur'an kena hafazan. Dua-dua jadi tugasan. Belum mula dengan Hadith, dah mula dengan Qur'an.

« Kuiz/Ujian Sains hadith minggu lalu, aduhai, cheem! Ada yang mudah, ada juga yang tricky. 'Ala kulli haal, aku tawakkal 'alallaah. Cuma dah lama tak berperasaan susah nak jawab semasa kuiz. Minggu tu pula, memang kerja aku macam sarang tebuan. Langsung tiada masa untuk ulangkaji sebab masa balik aku dipenuhi dengan tugasan kerjaaaaaaa. Aku cuma baca lepas Subuh pada hari kuiz yang hendak diambil. Lebihan lagi, muka surat yang perlu aku baca, banyak pulak tu... lagipun, maddah ni memang banyak terms yang perlu ingat. Walaupun dah pernah touch masa zaman sekolah dulu-dulu, yang ni lagi in depth ah... Aku tak konfiden dapat markah bagus untuk kuiz ni!

« Hal kaji-mengkaji ni pula... aduh... kaji tu untuk buat tugasan biasa tu memang boleh diatur. Tapi kalau dah ikut method-method ni seme... Hampeh! Cuma pensyarah dia ada skit kereta api lah. Walaupun dia nak kita discover processes sambil buat kajian, readings untuk faham definisi tu je aku dah pening. Baru selesai buat literature review.

« Adik sedara aku tu tengah struggle nak jadi future engineer. Hari tu, aku sempat bantu dia dengan projek Material Technology. Hidup biar susah dahulu, belajar mendaki dengan keringat sendiri, nanti satu hari akan ke puncak juga. Macam aku, belum sepenuhnya ke puncak yang aku sangat impikan. Maju terus, hingga berjaya, yea!

« Jam menandakan tarikh yang baru. Masa untuk membuat soalan peperiksaan akhir tahun. Buat kerja mesti ada air. Malam-malam gini aku suka buat air panas, macam waktu kat kampus dulu masa belajar. Tiap malam air panas. Sebab bilik aku sejuk. Aku memang minah teh tanpa milk. Sejak dari kecil lagi. Tak berubah-ubah, huhuh. Kopi ke Nescafe ke, bagi aku kurang tendang.

« Kawan-kawan aku yang tengah backpack tu, semoga selamat pulang ke tanah air, iye?
Salam rindu...

Feel challenged

Baru selesai melipat sejadahku. Bertafakkur sejenak memikirkan kehidupan seharian…

This week has been the most hectic in term 3. Where all activities either clash and participating them at the same time. Most of the time I had to reach work as early as 715am and log out by 7pm the latest as the lights and aircon would dim signalling your supposed departure back home. The rest I could only get without even touching a book to mark would be around 30mins the most. That also, to take time for personal touch with the Almighty. Well basically this happened since it is our MT week in lieu of the B.u.l.a.n. B.a.h.a.s.a. With Friday ending, it marks the end of the MT week. The reason of this rushing hour is because of the task me and my colleague were given as organisers of an activity for the higher primary. We called it ‘Kembara Minda’, a similar A.m.a.z.i.n.g Race game; at the vacinity of our school. Alhamdulillaah it was a success. Since this batch is the first trial, I hope my colleagues will be able to give constructive feedbacks (which I hope will be a good one) to further improve the game.

Well, during the initial stage, my h.e.a.d wanted us to do that by utilising the PDA, like the one in S.u.r.i.a ( Z.o.o.m Thailand). However, they said that it’s not feasible. Well… belum cuba belum tahu kan? However, not a sound reason to me. I’d like to check the functions of the tool one day if I’m given a chance. Perhaps, I could do something about it to fuse with my ML lessons.

I am unsure whether I’m in an alarming state. With the rat-race working environment, I barely touch my books. What worries me, the books kept piling. I even had to put aside the thought of cleaning my table until I manage to clear off the piles. At home, I have to prepare the activity for the next day. I confess that some exciting things I’ve planned for my pupils have not been done and had to postpone because of the level of priorities I had to do first.

Much worse, I have not been able to set aside time to do on IIUM’s research project. Proposal to be presented tomorrow and I have not even started reading my literature on the topic. And Sunday, I heard there’s a test. Starting to feel the pinch! Ouch!!!

There are just a lot of things going through my mind this particular week. My experienced colleagues agreed that this year, especially this term is the worse they ever had in the workplace. Next week is submission on the final year paper for vetting. I am starting to like my work. But what’s liking without challenges? The challenge has already been felt.

Tomorrow's a next challenge too. Out of home straight after Subuh and back home after Isya'. Oh do I need a break...

x x x

The strings of faith is trying to pull me down
I could feel the force of strings to make me lie low
I seek your help my Dear Creator
Not suppose to feel such way
Show me the light
Wisdom not to go astray

NE Show 2006


To those who knew, last Saturday was the NE Show @ N.a.t.i.o.n.a.l S.t.a.d.i.u.m. for the g.a.h.m.e.n schools. So, by default, I was supposed to put that willingness in me to join the crowd as I am one of the ML p5 tee-cheers. I was quite reluctant in the first place as I never bother to be excited in attending such big hoo-haa events. Not saying that I am not a law abiding c-t-zen. Just that, I didn't fancy crowds that much. Since the event would mark the closure of the stadium, I thought that being there as a first timer and the last was quite an interesting thought.

We started all the way from noon. I had to help sorting the goodie bags and circulate them. This time, it's a sling bag. I was assigned as a buddy to my colleague. We went there by a chartered S.B.S bus after a short talk by the headmaster.

Being in N.S reminded me of my Big Walk years with my pre-u2000 clan. The last time was back in my higher secondary years? *I think* It hasn't change of course. The only difference were the number of spectators and a different set. I found the sound detector quite cool. The crowd were divided into 2 and we had the kallang wave challenge. Then, the detector will rank the sound waves created.

But only one thing that made me flabbergasted; the fireworks. Be it indoors or outdoors, I would certainly wait for the fireworks. It left me in awe! Infact, I captured loads of videos on fireworks alone. Hehe, I finished up all my 3 memory cards.

That particular day left me many memorable moments...

- I met some of my ex-NIE-Townsvillian friends
- Made better rapport with the P5 pupils. Now they know my name...
- Discover more of my colleagues - their humour, their jokes
- Met my practicum colleague as well as my practicum students

To add to this, of course... we went off midnight time! Believe it or not! Lucky it was Sunday. When we return to school, the entrance was shining brightly and parents eagerly waiting for their children in school. To me, most importantly is the safety of the students. Alhamdulillaah, they went back safely. I am also very sure they enjoyed themselves after having to wait for 31/2 hours after the end of the show just to get out of that gigantic place. It was a fruitful wait for me because of some things that happen along the way...

Puh-pearls nad Tea-Cheers

Met my practicum students. The few ones who actually made quite an impact during my practicum days. They are already P5! I taught them when they were P3! 2 years?!

Sunset @ Stadium

Love their antics and intro to a fun and enjoying game I learnt that day!

A rubber flower girl at night

Corat-coret malam

Lebih kurang setahun lebih yang lalu, aku baru sahaja memulakan alam pekerjaan. Haluan yang kabur ku tetap lalui. Ku jatuh, ku bangun ku mula dari tingkat yang paling bawah. Hingga aku tertanya-tanya, inikah hidup yang bakal ku lalui setiap hari? Adakah aku insan yang kuat untuk menahan segala ketidakstabilan yang ada waktu itu?

Hari ini aku mengimbas kembali seakan masa-masa bermulanya aku di sini. Bezanya, aku sudah setahun lebih berpengalaman. Peristiwa pahit dan manis telah ku lalui. Aku dapat rasakan aku ada sedikit kemajuan berbanding masa lalu kerana pengalaman dan kesibukan setiap hari membuatku mempelajari sesuatu setiap masa. Aku berharap aku semakin yakin untuk maju ke hadapan walaupun aku tahu, tohmahan yang tidak mungkin enak di gegendang telinga kadangkala akan wujud pada bila-bila masa. Aku juga sudah belajar tentang talam dua muka. Aku hanya berdoa aku tidak tergolong dalam manusia sebegitu.

Kini, aku diberi kepercayaan berada di hadapan. Setiap hari, mula dan pulang. Itukah salah satu potensi yang ada dalam diri? Aku masih belum mendapat kepastian. Cuma nampaknya anak didik yang tidak ku kenali sudah mula menyapa diri ini. Itu tidak bermakna aku sudah menjadi seseorang. Jauh lagi perjalanan.

Rak-rak buku dari satu menjadi dua. Meja kerjaku juga bertimbun dengan buku. Satu hari jumlah buku menipis, hari itu juga jumlahnya meningkat. Satu hari nampak hampir kosong, hari itu juga penuh tiada tempat. Hari-hari akan datang juga pada minggu hadapan, terpaksa bekerja lebih kuat, 12 jam sehari. Maklumlah, perlu tiba ke sekolah jam 7.25 pagi. Aku bersyukur sekolahku dekat. Satu hari di tempat kerja, duduk di meja paling lama 1 jam sahaja. Lainnya? Ke hulur, ke hilir...

~ Setelah sebulan dengan sandal sukan tanpa stoking, akhirnya, hari ini kembali mencuba kasut dan stoking. Parutku terasa gatal sedikit dan kakiku melecet pula.

~ Bulan rezeki, kerana bonus yang masuk ke dalam akaun. Tiada niat untuk berbelanja pada bulan ini lantas bonus disalurkan pada akaun simpanan setelah 3 bulan tiada fulus untuk disimpan. Mentelah lagi, aku bukan kaki belanja. Perbelanjaanku selalunya pada buku-buku, alat tulis, keperluan komputer atau jika ada rezeki lebih, barang sukan. Alhamdulillaah.

~ Keinginanku selepas musyarawarah tadi untuk pulang dengan teksi terpaksa ku tahan. Semata-mata untuk menyimpan wang. Lebihan lagi, aku berpeluang untuk menyemak karangan murid aku di kereta api. Hanya berjaya menyemak 7 dari 38 karangan yang ada.

~ Esok sejurus selepas Subuh, keluarlah diri ini ke dunia luar dan pulang hingga larut malam gara-gara ke NS. Lusa pula, menyahut medan ilmu pada awal pagi dan kuiz pertama untuk modul itu yang hanya dapat ku baca tadi sewaktu perjalanan ke musyawarah setelah waktu kerja.

~ Malam ini, aku terkesima. Kerana pandangan manusia, kerana terimbas hidup yang lama. Namun demikian, hanya satu yang amat ku terasa di lubuk yang paling dalam yang aku harap Allah dapat membantuku.


intelektualku bukan setinggi mana...
intelektualku bukan seperti rakan-rakan lainku...
yang lebih pintar, lebih cerdik hingga berjaya ke menara gading...
aku masih lagi perlu usaha untuk ke sana...
suatu hari nanti...

malam ini sungguh syahdu...
Tuhan, berikanku kekuatan...

Mt. Ophir - Gunung Ledang. The long awaited update.

An expedition which I will never forget for life. I have always imagined living in the cabin by the mountains. Everyday waking up breathing in fresh air, watching the sun rise and sitting beside the campfire. Haha, maybe I am just influenced by the adverts or travelling documentaries.

The mist of Mt. Ophir's peak

At least, I was satisfied to be able to reach the peak of all the mountains I’ve climbed. And this particular one seemed to be the one I was most challenged. It was a 4-day expedition leading 22 AJ girls, most of which have never climbed mountains before. Nevertheless, it was the place where tests kept coming, if not for me personally, for the rest of them. But I have my own story to tell.
The 700 fleet of stairs as our welcome drink of sweat

The beautiful Bonsai Tree, nearing to the peak (Sunrise)
The cool breeze of the river @ base camp
Rice Digging

Of all the girls, there were a bunch of them who had that strength and stamina. Since I was the 2nd person leading for the whole trip, I’d turn around and see this particular group of girls, the common faces who’d reach first for each and every check points we rested. They are a tough bunch I’d say. There were 4 rangers with us. . Because of different capabilities, we had to divide into two groups. Mainly, the rangers guided the back. The weather was good the first 2 days. Come the Subuh time of the third day to the peak, it has started raining cats and dogs. The sisters had two choices of departure time. We moved off from base camp around 1 am as the as the majority's choice. A ranger led the way and I was the third person. So, we had our Subuh at one of the stop overs with our ponchos on and the crampy situation while performing our prayers. And from there the rain keeps coming and going away. So there were times I had to be the first woman in line while the first person helped some pax along the way. That time, the leading ranger wasn't with us. He was totally exhausted during the rest point we had our prayers due to the few groups of climbers he had to guide the past few days.
It was a challenge for me, reason being it was a night trek and I had to take the lead at the point where there was a gaung and to ensure the sisters' safety. Moreover, this is the part where we had to climb big rocks, vertically with ropes and meeting a mini cave while taking a safe route for them to climb. Being at one of the stop overs called Bukit Botak and the peak itself reminded me Naruto’s episode of the Village of the Mist? Some friends said that usually at Bukit Botak, they would reach there with a scorching sun. Unlike this time round, it was surrounded with mist and the cold breeze of the place. Basically, when we were on top, we were surrounded by mist. That’s the scenery of the day. And the best thing was, the first 3 persons to be able to watch sunrise and reached Taman Bonsai were Hattz, Sakinah and me. It was quite some time before the rest of the crew reached our place. So, some ‘lame’ jokes were shared among few of us to kill the exhaustion.

Basically the 3rd and 4th day were raining continously. Had broken nails along the way. Burnt some skin too from the boiling oil as souvenirs back home. . It was a 2nd degree burn. To answer the curiosity, yes, My right foot, half of it was scalded. No footwear when the boiling oil hit directly to my bare foot. I was my own medic after all. My 2 AJ sisters helped me and they slept the moment they were in their tent. I slept in their tent that night with the asatizahs. That was the most painful jungle night I ever had as I only managed to sleep an hour after that due to the terrible pain I had to bear. I couldn't think of anything else except for Allah. It was only after much tears that I felt sleepy and dozed off until Subuh time at 5 plus. We had our own Subuh prayers in the tent because it was raining early morning. Anyway, I thank Allah that it wasn’t a thunder-lightning situation as things would be much more risky for us. There were only rains creating mini rivers on the terrains. Some surfed, others slid. And I had to take care of my cooked skin on the way back down because my bottle accidentally dropped on the affected area. Then, it created water bubbles like the look when you are cooking an egg, those bubbles. I was using sport sandals my friend lent to me because I only brought slippers. Only during the way back that I fell twice because of the heavier load due to the rain and my own injury. Alhamdulillah, no major injury happened to the pax except for a sister who had fever during the trip and I had to tend to her during some intervals and also when we reached Singapore. And so, I find out that she was a sister of a brother in my Relite organising committee. Small world.
My takeaways?

It is very very important to work as a team. Failure in helping one another will result in one or any members hurt. We have always been reminded for us who work in groups that there is no ‘I’ in a team. There is only ‘Us’. From here, we know who is organised and who is not. At least I know who is more disorganised than me. And calling me organised? Wow! That’s an over statement, hehehe. And who’s really your friend in need is your friend indeed. I realise the meaning of true friendship. It’s not a matter of who’s older or younger (as I am the eldest female trainer of all) but who is there when you really need someone you can rely on especially during the tough times. But I really learnt my own self, as the eldest sister, as a team mate, as a leader, as a medic and many more. He has made this trip not an easy one for me, but I think my stamina have build up than my earlier trip I had at Belumut. Challenges from every aspect. Dugaan menggunung, apa lagi kalau naik gunung lebih tinggi? Subhanallaah…

From the bottom of my heart, I am really moved by the company of my four much younger AJ sisters who entertained me along the way. Even in the bus while the rest are sleeping and tired, we were still the lively bunch. Salute to 3 of the Asatizahs whom with much hardship and a much slower pace reached the peak and the goal they strived for. Allahu Akbar! The nasyids we sang at the peak surely perked the determination they all had. It actually reminded me of my yesteryears while singing along with them, especially the Arab song Al Jihad Fi Sabilillaah. Well, thanks to two orang kuat, Hattz and Jamz as bat mobiles for the expedition.
May Allah bless us all

And personally for me, it brings me all the memories I could bring back home. I miss the pax like Shaza, Sakinah and Ain and the trainers, especially my four dearest sisters – Aisha, Fariya, Atiqah & Rafidah.

Allah has bestowed upon me a beautiful ukhuwwah with the four of you...
May Allah unite us once more in any other events that we have!

Betapa tak susah masuk syurga? Dalam satu keterangan dinyatakan: orang jahil semuanya binasa kecuali yang berilmu. Orang berilmu semuanya binasa kecuali yang beramal. Orang beramal semuanya binasa kecuali yang ikhlas. Untuk mencapai darjah keikhlasan perlu banyak berjuang. Ibarat mendaki bukit yang tinggi, hanya orang yang lasak saja berjaya sampai ke mercu. ;)

Next adventure? Perhaps I’d still go on with my plans I’ve laid down since my Cameron trip last year, which is a cave expedition which didn’t materialise. I’ll see about it, since I’ll be missing out on the backpacking trip with my pre-u2000 clan this July. It’s funny when you tried to initiate something but in the end you can’t get involved because of working commitments, ha ha.

Untaian kata tanpa bicara


* * *
Hidup yang tidak pernah ada kepastiannya
Hanya mampu gagahi ke mana jua kaki melangkah
Hiruk pikuk manusia dengan tekaan mereka
Hanyut jika hanya percaya kerana tewas di jiwa

Kabur itukah yang membuat diri menyepi?
Goncangan itukah yang menjadikan diri terhimpit?
Tangis itukah yang merebahkan diri ke bumi?

Hanya waktu yang ditelan usia
Dalam kepekatan malam menggamit jiwa
Yang lusuh hampa jeritan tak bermaya
Bertanya kemampuan andai masih berpacak mekar

Bukan masa ku salahkan semata
Kerana jiwa tidak pernah berdusta
Sampai bila harusku bertahan megah
Yang muda tetap rapuh dimamah usia

Tegarkan hatiku merentas jalan ini
Kerana Kau tahu yang tersembunyi
Kian terkadang ingin jauh ku berlari
Bawa luka hati yang pedih

Masihkah aku dalam kasihMu
Layakkah aku terima kurniaanMu
Bila ku telan rasanya hempedu
Andai ku tahu pasti tak ku merayu

Beginikah jalan yang tetap ku temu?
Tiap terhenti di simpang yang ku tuju?
Bicaraku hanya bisikan di hati
Sukar diungkap untaian kata yang mati
Akhirnya, sendu
* * *
x x x
I'm much of...